foto: Fanpage. From the Movie "È stata la mano di Dio"
Capri Island is one of the locations where Paolo Sorrentino’s award-winning movie “È stata la mano di Dio” (The hand of God) was filmed. The film is present at the 94th Academy Awards ceremony, competing in the Best International Feature film category. On this occasion, Sorrentino, whowas already an Oscar winner with “The Great Beauty“, is beaten by “Drive My Car“, a Japanese film by director Ryusuke Hamaguchi.

Sorrentino’s autobiographical film, easily available on Netflix, did not win the Oscar; however, the true greatness of It was “The Hand of God” is the fact that it made Napoli, the myth of Maradona and even the island of Capri, protagonists at the Oscar awards.

The hilarious scene from “The Hand of God” set in Capri
Fabbietto, the boy protagonist of the film, played by “Filippo Scotti” goes to Capri during the night, accompanied by his friend Armando (Biagio Manna) on a motorboat. Armado is the Comedy Relief. Fabbietto is sad about an episode that has marked his life, and only Armando’s moral support can help him. Armando himself is the protagonist of the Capri scenes of the film. On the boat ride, he asks: “Do you know what noise offshore boats make when they go at 200 kilometers per hour? Tuff… Tuff…“
In an unusually deserted Piazzetta, Fabio and Armando find themselves at a table completely alone, late night. Armando comments: “We made a mistake, we should have gone to Ischia. It’s really boring here.“, but Fabio comments that he’s fine with this.

Shortly afterwards, Fabi recognizes a sheik in the company of an Argentinian actress, whose name he doesn’t remember. The woman is annoyed by being looked at, and asks: “Porque me miras tanto? (Why are you staring at me?)“. Fabio replies that he was trying to remember her name.
She sweetly tells him: “Anda a comer mierda! (Go eat shit – fuck off)“.